Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Malaysia is a tropical rain forest countries yearly rate of increase of tourist arrivals.However, each year there are just dirty hands and destroy the tropical rain forest to make a defect in the natural environment in Malaysia.

Human greed without considering the impact on the environment!

1.Imagine you are a part of a big orchard with lot of trees around.How do feel being cut?
Would have been sad when nature is destroyed. it will most certainly impact the future faced by the community.Next, the reaction will be by nature very large landslides, flash floods, drought, and all matters pertaining to natural phenomena.

2.What will happen to all the animal which were  taking shelter on you?

Deforestation is not planned to logging activities were disturbing the balance of the forest ecosystem.Unbalance the ecosystem reduces sumger natural food and habitat for wildlife. As a result, there are a number of wildlife species can not adapt to the new ecosystem.This disruption will eventually cause death and the decline in reproductive rates of wild animals have become extinct in Malaysia are the orang utans, tigers, rhinoceros, buffalo,tapirs,gibbons and beaver.The generation future may not be able to recognize the life-life is longer.

3.What would be the surrounding like after you are cut?
There will be a defect in natural ecosystems.will be change the natural environment, the possibility would also bring a major change in the environment that result in climate change.One tree produce oxygen for humans to breathe, in case of destruction of the forest production process oxygen from the trees can not walk, this will cause harm to human health.

           Human greed lead to the destruction of the animal!

4.What change will take place in the environment after you are cut?
Will be Changes on other plants, possibly inhibited the growth of existing trees around.The Animals no longer makes the area destroyed by irresponsible people as a place to stay. the natural beauty, promises a preoccupation that is unimaginable. system life cycle is very interesting animals, coupled with the change of the seasons, summer, spring and rainthroughout the year.Will be disappear overnight, as there is little destruction of the pharaoh's hand the natural beauty of flora and fauna.

5.Message you would like to give to people who are cutting down trees?
To the criminal world which inhibits the ecosystem, to consider the long-term effects that will occur in future generations if it remains uncontrolled cutting of trees, the probability that there will be a natural anger and will cause rain and flash floods in the world.By human activities such as deforestation, industrial activities, open burning, vehicle emissions, uncontrolled forest exploration will result in a critical global warming.Human error on the environment caused many negative effects that have occurred.Among the most significant snow melt in the high Arctic, sea level rise and the shrinking area of ​​land size. Moreover, the occurrence of natural disasters such as droughts, floods and fires and humanitarian effects include loss of lives and injuries.


technology that will block the intrusion of nature!

6.What do you think the use technology in reducing and minimizing the problem?
I think the use of technology to prevent the widespread felling of trees is very accurate and relevant.See the place where the statistics are always being targeted by criminals in nature, and put CCTV in order to expedite enforcement action for the arrest of criminals.Other than that, set up a network of electric fences to prevent entry of environmental criminals.For example, fences  electric made ​​by environmental ministries to safeguard the natural environment of the invaded because it is our national treasures.

7.In your opinion,blog in able to stimulate environment awareness among community,Elaborate.
In my view, the blog is to provide clarification on the enforcement of the reader concerning the impact on the natural environment if it still happens without the control of tree felling, blogs can also be a form of ideological dispositions net to create awareness on the preservation of the world's natural environment. blog used by the world community and is a form of comprehensive control of information on natural environment with care.Blog will always be the reference of the world if you have trouble understanding, and it will not be lost because of the passage of time will remain forever in the internet.